Why You Should Scam Your Own Employees

Identifying network vulnerabilities, as well as the right tools to address them, have become of major concern to many organizations. According to industry leaders, businesses should consider a rather unorthodox approach to educating and identifying exactly how prone they are to a data breach, scam their employees. Simulating phishing attacks provide a quantifiable insight at…

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Cybersecurity tips: 5 Things Every Small Business Should Know

Nearly every business believes the unfortunate data breaches and attacks only happen to others; that the overall risk of an attack on your business is low.  Why would anyone care to target me? The truth is that hackers would love nothing more than to gain access to your sensitive company data.  It’s why we decided…

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What Is a Common Indicator of a Phishing Attempt and How to Avoid Getting Hooked

Phishing season is in full swing, with a more sophisticated and increasingly deceptive hacking methodology that can hook even the savviest of us into providing confidential information. It’s why we found it fitting to round up a few examples of the most common and prevalent attacks we have faced this year. We also wanted to…

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The Danger of Phishing

Phishing – you’ve probably heard of it. It’s one of the most common types of cyber attacks and users are constantly warned about its dangers. It’s so prevalent, in fact, that many cloud email providers (think Gmail and Yahoo!) provide an alert within any suspicious looking message that it may be a Phishing attempt. Commonly,…

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