W hat is Cloud Computing?
Network Protection with Access
The term ‘cloud computing’ is one of the most prevalent buzzwords used in the IT industry today. Despite the seemingly obvious benefits of a cloud environment, there are a considerable amount of factors to determine whether cloud computing is an appropriate fit for your organization. Our IT professionals weigh the benefits and identify the limitations a cloud environment may present to your organization. We help navigate through the buzzwords and provide the pertinent information needed to determine the logical solution, whether it’s a cloud, traditional, or hybrid.
L ower Capital Expenses & Improve Scalability

The days of on premise hardware management are quickly disappearing, making room for much more agile cloud based environments. The transition is in part due to the increased functionality and mobility of cloud based solutions, as well as the tremendous costs savings these solutions often provide. Rather than routine infrastructure upgrade, organizations are opting for subscription based cloud computing services that eliminate the upfront capital cost associated with traditional hardware.
P rovide Network Access Anytime, Anywhere
One of the obvious benefits to cloud computing is the ability to work anywhere with an internet connection. As more services are being pushed to the cloud, more users adopting the technology as standard business practice, resulting in organizations being more productive than they ever have before. Partnering with our team of experts can ensure you’re benefiting from the latest cloud solutions while experiencing increased productivity and user satisfaction.

E nsure Security & Business Continuity

Investing in a robust security and business continuity plan is a costly venture that requires considerable capital, as well as expertise to implement and manage. Moving your business to the cloud not only helps avoid a number of up-front costs, but minimizes the loss of productivity from downtime, removes the operational costs to maintaining the regular security/software updates for servers, and provides the assurance that data is being maintained and protected.
What Our Clients Are Saying
“There is just too much information to make clear informed IT decisions that are best for your business. TSI’s cloud specialists helped navigate through the abyss of buzzwords and tech-centric concepts to help our business become more efficient and reduce IT capital expenditures. TSI’s ability to outline and explain the variety of available options helped solidify our decision to move to the cloud. I came out of the experience truly appreciating TSI’s approach."
Investment Group / Hyannis, MA