W ho Needs to Be GDPR Compliant?
How Your Organization is Impacted
GDPR impacts any company storing or processing personal information about EU citizens within EU states, regardless of physical business presence. Criteria for compliance include...
Presence in an EU Country
Or Process Personal Data of European Residents
GDPR applies to any organization processing personal data of EU residents, irrespective of its location. This means that if a company has an EU presence, offers goods/services to EU individuals, or monitors EU individuals' behavior, it must adhere to GDPR.
More than 250 employees
Or Processing Impacts Rights/Freedoms of Subjects
Under GDPR, companies with over 250 employees or those whose processing activities affect data subjects' rights and freedoms have distinct obligations. These entail maintaining records of processing activities, conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for high-risk processing, and enforcing stringent security measures, and additional requirements.
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